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PiYo Recap & Final Results

If I'm being honest, I can say that I was very skeptical. I was skeptical that I could lose a significant amount of fat & gain muscle by doing such a low impact workout. I was skeptical that my back pain would decrease from PiYo. Yes, I love and trust Chalene, but I just had such a hard time wrapping my head around my potential success with this program. I'd seen other peoples' before & after pics from the original PiYo test group. I'd heard countless testimonials stating that the nagging joint and back pain that people had been experiencing for most of their lives had all but disappeared once they started incorporating PiYo into their lives. I'd heard all of the claims...but I still didn't think that it would be me.

In the summer of 2013, to look at pictures of me, one could say that I was in the best shape of my life. And I was - to a certain degree. I was at a healthy weight. I was working out regularly. I was eating well. But I was in pain. My lower back has always been an issue, but that summer, I started with this awful pain behind my right shoulder blade. You could literally feel the lump if you touched my back. I figured it was just a bad knot that needed worked out by a good massage. I had quite a few massages, but that wasn't doing the trick. I figured that I was just really stressed and that's where I carry my tension. As months went on, the pain got worse & by the fall, there were days where I was rendered helpless. I couldn't get out of bed. I couldn't turn my neck. I couldn't take care of myself or my kids. As most of you know, I saw a wonderful chiropractor. X-rays revealed a few things. The "knot" in my back was actually ribs that had popped out of place - which he thankfully popped back into place. The x-rays also revealed arthritis, spina bifida occulta, the curve in my neck had disappeared & hips that were out of alignment. I was a mess & it's no wonder I was in pain. I continued seeing the chiropractor a few times per month. The pain was better, but it still wasn't gone. I'd be ok for a few weeks and then I'd be in pain and need another adjustment. I continued to workout which did help...but my eating habits were crap. I had a lot going on in life and was falling back into old habits of turning to food for comfort. Needless to say, I put on a few pounds. Fast forward to when PiYo came out. I literally ordered it the minute it came available and couldn't wait to get started. As I stated in my other PiYo posts, the first week, I was all thumbs. Falling all over the place. And I was tight....really tight. But, week in and week out, I followed the schedule. I did ONLY PiYo - nothing else. I incorporated Shakeology EVERY DAY. I stuck to the PiYo Nutrition Plan about 95% of the time. The decrease in back pain happened in the first week and continued to improve every week. I was becoming stronger and more flexible with each workout. No joint pain. This was the workout program my body was so desperately craving.

When you live in pain, day in and day out, it takes the fun out of a lot of thiings. I now have back a quality of life that I didn't think I'd ever have again because the pain is all but gone. PiYo will forever be a part of my life and to Chalene - in the small chance you see this - THANK YOU for PiYo!!!

So, now for my results. In the 8 weeks, I lost 15 pounds and 12.75 inches (3.75 of those inches came from my waist alone).

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But, I didn't do this alone. I had an amazing group of ladies by my side in my PiYo Challenge Group. Their progress & love of the program brought a smile to my face every day. We all kept each other motivated and I'm thankful that they all decided to take their own PiYo journies.

With that said, I'm going to be opening up a new PiYo group & this is your chance to Fall In Love With PiYo. We will be starting on September 7, so if you're interested, we'd love to have you join us!

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Thank you all for following along with me on this journey!!! Up next? A TurboFIre/PiYo hybrid :)

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