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PiYo Week 7

As I write this, I can't help but think back to how I was feeling before I started PiYo. I was nervous to start this program because in all honesty, I didn't think I was going to like it. I didn't know how or if I was going to survive this program - simply because I really dislike doing Pilates & yoga. But here I am - at the end of week 7 and heading into my final week of my first round of PiYo & I've enjoyed this journey so much more than I ever thought I would.

This week actually started out with a bit of a cheat meal. Wednesday night, we went out to dinner with my in-laws for my favorite - Mexican food. Obviously - I wasn't going to be able to stick 100% to my nutrition - but I kept the damage to a minimum. Instead of a margarita, I had water. But that was the easy thing to swap. I LOVE chips and salsa. Most times, I mindlessly eat those until dinner is served. But this time, I grabbed a handful of chips & limited myself to just having those and not digging back into the basket when I was done. Dinner was chicken chimichangas - and worth every calorie. I stopped eating when I was satisfied instead of stopping when I was so full that it was uncomfortable. This PiYo program has been more than just the workouts, it's been about re-focusing on my nutrition and practicing moderation.

In my workouts, I continue to feel stronger. I'm able to do more, I'm able to keep up better, I'm able to balance easier & my flexibility has increased so much. My back and neck continue to feel great - which makes life so much easier.

Weightloss wise, it was a very successful week. I lost 2.8 pounds - which brings my 7 week total to a 15 pound weight loss. I'm so excited to jump into my final week of PiYo & share it with all of you. Check back next week because I'll be sharing my final results and my before & after photos. Have a great week!!!

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